Travelling in Two on an Enduro Bike: Comfort and Safety - Enduro Croatia

Travelling in Two on an Enduro Bike: Comfort and Safety

Viaggiare in due su una moto

Travelling in two on an enduro bike is a unique experience. There is something special about sharing the adventure with someone, but let’s face it: it’s not always easy. If you don’t organise yourself well, the trip can become uncomfortable or, even worse, dangerous. In one of the last articles we dealt with preparing for a solo off-road trip, today we look at what tricks to add when travelling in twos.

1. Choose the right bike for travelling as a couple

Travelling in two on a sport bike

This is a fairly obvious point. Not all enduro bikes are suitable for two people. If you plan to travel with a passenger, make sure your bike has a long enough and comfortable seat. Certainly, your partner or companion might agree to travel with you on an uncomfortable bike, but it might be the last trip they agree to take with you. So be careful, and before you go on a demanding holiday, try a weekend ride to see how you get on. Travelling as a passenger can still be a wonderful experience; as you don’t have to drive you can concentrate on the scenery, but it certainly requires a not inconsiderable spirit of adaptation.

2. Communicate with your passenger

There are several aspects for which communication is useful. Not everyone likes to talk while travelling in two on an enduro bike, but having a device that allows you to do so does not preclude you from being silent! But it can be useful when you need to talk to each other. And when can it be useful? The first few times, you can simply explain to your passenger how to move when cornering or braking, inviting them to follow your movements.

Besides, talking to each other to share the experience of the moment could still enrich your journey. A Bluetooth intercom is what you need! You can find several models on Amazon, the most popular one is Midland (you can find it here) and it is definitely a product that works well. There are also cheaper options from newer brands, but our advice is to trust those who have been manufacturing these devices for a long time and offer high quality.

Midland for interphone comunication

3. Technical preparation: watch out for extra weight

The weight of the passenger and luggage entirely changes the behaviour of the bike. Before setting off, adjust the suspension preload and check that the brakes are in perfect condition. If you have side bags, make sure the weight is evenly distributed. Consider that the luggage will have to contain items for two people, so meticulous planning will be needed. And flexibility for both; you may have to give up something to avoid carrying too much weight around.

Suitcase for travelling in two

4. Passenger comfort: small details, big difference

Strong handles or a back rest mounted on the top box make a big difference. I have noticed that when the passenger feels secure, my riding also becomes smoother. And typically the whole holiday takes on another flavor. Being in a tent in the evening with someone who is tired from the trip is not a particularly inviting situation. Another tip: mount wider, more comfortable footpegs. Trust me, your passenger’s feet will thank you!

5. Riding: smoothness and control when travelling in two on an enduro bike

When riding with a passenger, everything should be smoother: starts, braking, acceleration. Remember, the pillion passenger is not used to the motorbike’s movements, so it is important that you ride carefully and patiently. As we said before, changing the set-up changes the maneuverability and you absolutely must take this into account to ensure a smooth ride for the passenger.

6. Plan frequent stops

Stops during travelling in two on an enduro bike

A trip for two requires more breaks than a solo trip. You must consider the needs of both and plan carefully, while remaining flexible in case of impromptu stops. After a couple of hours, stop for a coffee or to admire the view. These breaks make the journey more enjoyable for both of you.


Travelling in two on an enduro bike requires some preparation, but the satisfaction of sharing every turn and every view is priceless. With the right tricks, you can make the trip comfortable, safe and unforgettable. Prepare the bike, coordinate your movements and enjoy the adventure for two. Enjoy the road!
