Enduro, is it legal at all? - Enduro Croatia

Enduro, is it legal at all?

Vietato forbidden verboten enduro

Regulations and Permits for Enduro Tours in Europe

Before participating in an enduro tour in Europe, it may also be worthwhile to read up on the regulations and permits required to practice this activity safely and legally. The rules for off-road riding can vary from country to country and even region to region, so it is essential to be prepared.  Usually, regulations for enduro legal tours are based on a combination of national and regional regulations. And unfortunately, in some countries there is a lot of confusion even at the level of the region itself. Let’s take a look at some of the main destinations for enduro tours.

Legal requirements enduro

Italy and Spain are two countries popular with enduro riders

In Italy, there are varied and unclear regulations, although the highway code basically prohibits off-road riding on unauthorised routes. Moreover, the same code requires licence plates and compliant equipment (i.e. turn signals, mirrors, etc.) at all times, with a few exceptions for sporting events. That said, there are many enduro legal tour organisers who manage to take you on wonderful rides!

In Spain, the situation is quite similar, with southern regions such as Andalusia offering a wide variety of routes for enduro riders. But even here, regulations vary from region to region so it is important to inform yourself in advance. There is a good degree of tolerance but we always recommend relying on organisations or local experts to avoid any surprises. 

In countries such as Germany and Austria, enduro activities are more difficult and off-road driving is only permitted in private areas or on designated routes. Environmental protection is a priority, so riding outside authorised areas can result in high fines. Enduro tours must be organised in accordance with local regulations and special permits must be obtained.

 A peculiar solution has been adopted in the UK, there are routes called green lanes are open to enduro legal driving, but there are specific rules for speed and behaviour. Permits to participate in enduro tours can be obtained from local authorities, and enduro clubs offer support in obtaining permits.

Enduro is fun

Finally, we are in Croatia so how can we not talk about it?

In Croatia, enduro tours offer the opportunity to explore breathtaking landscapes. The unique thing about Croatia is that so much of the Croatian terrain is privately owned. Sure, there are nature reserves and forests that belong to the state, but in fact you can organise almost the entire tour through private land. And this is a big advantage because we make an agreement with the owners.  Normally, we ask for their permission to cross (obviously paying some kind of rent) and we can enjoy our enduro tours without any worries. And so we know when we can and when we can’t go. We have tacit agreements with hunters respecting their timetables, so there is a bit of organisation to keep you (and us) calm and safe.

Of course, going on your own just because ‘I found a GPS track’ is always possible, clearly at your own risk. Farmers in Croatia, as well as hunters, are not always in the mood for fooling around.

In conclusion, we look forward to seeing you in Croatia for an enduro tour with Enduro Experience Croatia, where you can rest assured by relying on those who have experience in the field and have lived in the area for a long time. As you might already know, we are going to take care of any aspect of the organisation; we will provide you the right accommodation where you will have your meals. We will get you a safe place for your motorbikes and will have all the time a 4×4 car ready to start should you need any help during the tour. You will only need to focus on driving and having fun.

See you soon in Croatia!
